Monday 2 January 2012

I am Girding My Loins for Battle.

This is the week that chemotherapy starts, Thursday to be exact.  On Wednesday I get outfitted with a necessary piece of "armour" to help fight this war that rages inside me:  the PICC line.

Other items from the armoury include:
-A fighting spirit.  A very necessary thing to combat this molecular-level war.  I daresay that my fighting spirit was virtually non-existant for the past month.  Grappling with the news that I have cancer...again...was difficult to deal with.  However, the depression has been shaken off and I have rallied myself to beat this!
-Prayer warriors.  I am very blessed to have so many people praying for me and my family.  It fills me with great comfort and peace to know that I am not alone.  I know that I would be faring worse if it were not for all those prayers!  Please, keep them coming!
-A special shirt.  An outward indication of my situation.  I had one made for myself last time, AND a dear friend gifted me with a funny one last time as well :)  Another dear friend has gifted me with a new one for this new battle. 
-War paint (a.k.a. sparkly eyeliner).  Looking fierce (fashion-y and intimidation-y) is a boon to my self worth as I humble myself to enter the chemo ward at the hospital.

During this fight I will get three chemo drugs:  GDP.  Gemcitabine, Dexamethasone and cisPlatin.  The chemo plan is more lengthy and involved than I had originally understood (my mind was mush after the last meeting with Dr. Rubinger).  I will have 3 cycles of chemo.  In my case a cycle consists of 3 weeks.  Week one=chemo, week two=chemo, week three=NO chemo.  As a self-described granola, knowingly and willingly ingesting mega doses of chemicals is a paradigm shift.  But, everything is a balance...and surviving cancer to continue being a mother (and wife, and daughter, and friend, etc) very obviously tips the scales!!!!

Sometime during this month I will be meeting with the bone marrow transplant team to learn more about *that* upcoming battle.  One day at a time...

Are you ready, cancer?!?  Here I come - swords drawn and guns blazing!!!  FOAD, cancer.


  1. Heather, I finally got a Google account so I could write on here! I just wanted to let you know that I am listening and praying for you. Keep us posted on everything, and let us know what you need.

  2. Hi Heather, I also now have a google account!Here I am kicking and screaming into the now age, and for a very good reason indeed. I pray for complete and lasting healing for you and God's blessing on all who love you. You are such a blessing to us your family,and your friends of course. You are absolutly correct in stating that you are not alone. I admired your faith and drive the first time around. You will touch many people again. Soldier on sweetie. I am here when needed. Love Auntie Barb.
